Vladimir Klepov as a Coder

Advanced Promise Coordination: Rate Limiting

In the previous post we learnt to serialize and concurrecy-limit promise-based operations in js. This time we dive further and handle rate limiting.

What Exactly to Rate Limit

Let's get terminological matters out of the way first. Promises represent operations that last a certain amount of time, while rate limiting is applied to discrete events. Over its life, a promise starts and terminates (with a success or a failure, not important now). It makes most sense to rate limit promise creations (starts). Rate limiting promise resolutions can be done by appending a start-rate-limited promise onto the end of the running promise. We could also limit the gap between operations, but I have no idea how that would be useful.

Rate vs concurrency limiting

While both rate and concurrency limits are trying to prevent a client from overloading the server by making too many calls too fast, they do not replace one another, and are implemented differently.

Suppose an API is rate-limited to 1 request per second. Even 1-concurrent requests break the rate limit if they complete in under 1s. On the other hand, if the requests take 3 seconds to complete, we can only have 3 of them running at the same time:


We could derive a bunch of formulae to connect the concurrency, rate and running time of operations, but that's completely beside the point. The thing to remember here is that without strict guarantees on operation duration you can not replace concurrency limit with rate limit or vice versa.

Rate limiting individual operations

The simplest form of rate limiting is "1 operation per N seconds". This one is straightforward, but first we need a building block — the promise counterpart of setTimeout:

const resolveAfter = ms => new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, ms));

resolveAfter is self-explanatory: it returns a promise that resolves after the specified time has elapsed. Now, for the actual rate limiter:

function rateLimit1(fn, msPerOp) {
let wait = Promise.resolve();
return (...a) => {
// We use the queue tail in wait to start both the
// next operation and the next delay
const res = wait.then(() => fn(...a));
wait = wait.then(() => resolveAfter(msPerOp));
return res;

Now we can, as usual, wrap the promise and call with no worries, the operations are magically delayed:

const slowFetch = rateLimit1(fetch, 1000);
Promise.all(urls.map(u => slowFetch(u)))
.then(raw => Promise.all(raw.map(p => p.json())))
.then(pages => console.log(pages));

The 1-rate-limiter can also be elegantly implemented on top of serializer with the pitfall of unnecessarily delaying the first operation:

function rateLimit1(fn, msPerOp) {
const wait = serializePromises(() => resolveAfter(msPerOp));
return (...a) => wait().then(() => fn(...a));

Rate limiting multiple operations

Many APIs feature soft rate limits instead: they allow M request per N seconds. That is not equivalent to 1 request per N/M seconds! Converting the multiple rate limit into individual one does fulfil the rate limit, but is overly harsh and non-optimal. Let's see this through examples.

Difference from individual rate limit, by example

Suppose you're flying a plane, and the airline allows 10 kg of luggage per passenger. If you're travelling with a girl, and have one 16-kg bag with both your things. At the check-in desk you're asked to take out half the stuff in your bag to make two 8-kg items. While formally correct, it feels idiotic — you still add the exact same weight to the plane! But now, why would you enforce such a stupid restriction on your own operations if you can do better?

Closer to the topic, let's try 2-req-per-2-sec rate limit for operations lasting 2 seconds. If you immediately fire 2 requests, you're done in 2 seconds:

----| 2 seconds, all done!

Converting this into 1-req-per-1-sec delays the second request by 1s, and now the same 2 requests take 3 seconds! You just lost a second for no reason.

----  | 3 seconds


To understand what we should do, let's have a closer look at the 1-rate-limit. We essentially make a queue of promises that never resolve closer than delay apart. We use the resolutions to start the next operations, and don't care about its termination at all:

*--*--     *--*--

This view extends to N-rate-limit: create N independent queues and put these into a circular queue (yes, a queue of queues makes a good in Soviet Russia joke):

*--*-- *--*--
 *-- *--*--  *--
 *--  *-- *--    *--

The individual queues are unchanged, and never fire more than 1 operation per N seconds. Thus, M queues can fire at most M operations during the window.


With this plan in mind, we can generalize the implementation:

function rateLimit(fn, windowMs, reqInWindow = 1) {
// A battery of 1-rate-limiters
const queue = _.range(reqInWindow).map(() => rateLimit1(fn, windowMs));
// Circular queue cursor
let i = 0;
return (...a) => {
// to enqueue, we move the cursor...
i = (i + 1) % reqInWindow;
// and return the rate-limited operation.
return queue[i](...a);

Preventing queue overflow

Just as before, we run into problems if the operations are consistently inserted into the queue faster than the rate limit. The solution is the same: once the queue exceeds the specified number of items, we immediately reject the incoming operations.

Combining with concurrency limiting

Now that we know how to limit both the rate and the number of simultaneously running operations, and since neither is a substitute for another, we want a way to combine the two limits. But can we build the joint rate/concurrency limiter by composing the primitive limiters? Turns out we can, but should carefully choose the order.

rateLimit(concurrencyLimit(fetch, N), ms), limits the rate at which the operations enter the concurrency-limit queue. Serialized (1-concurrent) promises rate-limited to 1 second break this combination. Suppose the first operation runs for 2 seconds, and during that time we throw 2 fast operations, O_2 and O_3 (say, 10 ms each) into the serializer. Instead of waiting for 1 second, the O_3 starts right after O_2 completes, or 10ms after it starts, breaking the rate limit.

concurrencyLimit(rateLimit(fetch, ms), N) limits the number of operations in the rate-limit queue. Since the rate limiter only sees N operations at a time, it has no chance to fire more than N, which is exactly what we want. Hence, Chaining Rule 1: limit concurrency before rate.

Use cases

The classic and most appropriate rate-limiting use case is for API requests. But now that you know the pattern, you will see it in your own tasks and, hopefully, use it ;-)

Promise-based rate limiting is a great way to quickly hack together a safe API wrapper without depending on the underlying HTTP / TCP / WebSocket client.

Frankly, other use cases I can come up with off the top of my head (render throttling and preventing too many e-mail notifications) are better served by batching. Maybe, you'll have better luck.


We've learnt to rate-limit promise-based APIs, both for the simple "1-action-per-N-seconds" and the more general M-actions case. Together with the previously discussed concurrency limiter, these patterns allow us to build robust service gateways with node.js, safely call external APIs and do all the other things you come up with.

Planning note: I've decided to throw away the excessively tricky part on load balancing and go with super fun and useful posts on batching and handling failure. I have RSS now, so be sure to stay tuned!

Advanced Promise Coordination Series

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